SATURDAY June 23, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

40ft Lunges,

30 second Plank Hold,

10 Leg Swings Each Leg

THEN: Mobility Coach’s choice.


Choose Kipping/Butterfly technique OR the emom below

PullUp Skills (AMRAP – Rounds)

Pull-Up Skill Work

12 Minute EMOM

1 – 30 Second Bar Hang

2 – :30 Arch Hold

3 – 10 Ring Row or 5 Strict Pullups or 3 Negatives (7-10 second decent)

4- 12 Banded Face Pulls


Metcon (Time)

Partner WOD

300m Run together with 1 Slam Ball (Pass back and forth)

150 Ball Slams (total)

75 Calorie Row (total)

50 Synchro Sit Ups (High Five at top)

25 Calorie Bike Each (Switch every 5 Cals)

Categories: WOD

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