WEDNESDAY December 12, 2018

CrossFit Momentum – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

4 minutes: 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off Rowing


10 Shoulder Tap from plank each side

10 inchworm to pushup

30 second superman hold

10 Hollow Rocks

80 ft Overhead Walk each arm with KB

5 KB push press each


Handstand Walk (EMOM x 10)

**Can Walk on hands: Manageable unbroken distance EMOM x10

**Almost there: Lateral wall walks, shoulder taps, walk in toward wall, alternate 2 EMOM

**Not there: From pike position on box: walking around the box, shoulder taps…Alternate EMOM


Metcon (Time)

Row or ski 1,000 meters

Then, 4 rounds of:

12 WallBalls (20/14#)

9 Russian KB Swings (32/24kg)

6 Ring Dips

Then, ski or row 1,000 meters
Athletes must Ski AND row unless more than 7 people, then athletes must (Ski or Bike )& Row

Categories: WOD

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