CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Glute/Hamstring Prep (No Measure)

200m Run/Row or Ski

10 Fire Hydrants Each Side

10 Alternating Bird Dogs

10 Inchworm to Pushup

10 Leg Swings Each Way

5 Standing Pigeon Each Side

1 Minute Box Pigeon Each Side

2×30 Second hamstring stretch on box each side


Deadlift (5×3 @ 75-85%)

**Alternate Sets with 15 Leg raises – Hands on Stantion

**All these movements can be done with Dumbbells if athletes prefer!


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Minute AMRAP:

6 Pushups

4 Weighted Step Ups each Side

2 Strict PullUps or 4 Ring Rows

Rest 3 Minutes

Metcon (Calories)

Row/SKi or Bike 3 Minutes Max Calories

Categories: WOD

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