CrossFit Momentum – VELOCITY


Warm-up (No Measure)


20 Banded Good Mornings (blue band)

10 Lunge with elbow drop and overhead reach

10 Squat drops

10 V-Ups

30 second HS Hold


Metcon (Time)

Run 200m, 20ft Walking Lunge

Run 400m, 40ft Walking Lunge

Run 600m, 60ft Walking Lunge

Run 400m, 40ft Walking Lunge

Run 200m, 20ft Walking Lunge

16 Min Cap
*May Add Vest


*Rotate through Exercises, 3 sets of each. Build to working weight then athletes may work through at own pace. Barbells for RDL and Kang Squats if they’d like. IF no barbell for Kang Squats, Banded

Romanian Deadlift (*2211 x 3)

Kang Squats (2121 x 3)

Good Morning to Squat to Good Morning to Stand

L-Sit (Max Effort Hanging L-Sit)

Categories: WOD

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